HPC in a day

This lesson is under development. A sample prototype is being developed by @psteinb. Contact @psteinb @shwina or @christinalk for more information.


Setup Dowload files used on the lesson.
00:00 Introducing High-Performance Computing Why use a large-scale computing system?
How is using a cluster different than your laptop?
00:00 Logging In What is a command-line?
How do I log in to the cluster?
How is a cluster structured?
00:00 Introduction to the Shell How to look at files and folders using the shell?
How are files and folders organized on this computer?
How to create folders and files?
How do I run programs using the shell?
What is a shell script and how do I write one?
00:00 Intermediate Shell Topics What files and folders do I have permissions to read and write?
Where does the shell look for programs?
What is the shell environment, and how do I inspect and change it?
00:00 The Scheduler How many and what kind of compute nodes are on this cluster?
How does the cluster get my tasks or programs to the compute nodes?
00:00 Submitting Your First Job What is a job?
How do I write and submit my first job?
00:00 Monitoring Your Job How do I check the progress of this job?
How do I examine the results of this job?
How do I know if something went wrong?
00:00 Testing Jobs by Running Interactively How can I test my job?
00:00 Using Software Modules What are modules and what are they used for?
How do you use modules?
00:00 Additional Topics What other skills do I need to submit jobs?
00:00 Running Parallel Tasks How can you run many jobs at once?
00:00 Running Parallel Code What does it mean to run parallelized code?
What kind of system does this code require?
How can I run parallelized code?
00:00 Good Citizenship on Shared Systems What are best practices for using a large, shared compute system?
00:00 Other Options for Large Scale Computing What other computing resources are available?
00:00 Optional: Applied Example How can I run my specific work on the cluster?
00:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.