ROCm with ROCr, right?

Peter Steinbach
(Scionics Computer Innovation GmbH)

March 30, 2017

Before I start

Scionics Who?

Why parallel2017?

Nvidia Tesla
AMD FirePro
Intel MIC

What should our clients choose?

Share experiences with ROCm/ROCr with community!

Why I present?

Accelerating our clients' scientific algorithms on GPUs
(multi-GB dataset, a lot of FFTs)

This Talk is

This Talk != Advertisement

  • Our company is by no means financially tied to AMD nor any of it's resellers.
  • AMD provided test hardware and that's it
  • whatever I find missing or not working, I'll report it here


Use the issue tracker of this talk to correct me!


  1. ROCm

  2. Porting Code from CUDA

  3. HC


Radeon Open Compute Platform

  • very young:
    April 25th, 2016, version 1.0
  • 3 main components:

    • ROCm Linux kernel driver
    • ROCr runtime & library stack
    • HCC compiler based on LLVM
Open Source!

ROCm kernel driver

  • supported GPUs: GFX8 GPU's ( Fiji & Polaris Family)
  • supported CPUs:

    • Intel Xeon E3/E5, Core i3/5/7 Haswell or newer
    • (upcoming) AMD Naples/Ryzen
    • (upcoming) Cavium Thunder X ARM


  • large memory single allocation
    (>32GB in one pointer)
  • peer-to-peer Multi-GPU, RDMA
  • systems management API and tooling

ROCr runtime

  • AMD's implementation of HSA runtime
    (+ extensions for multi-GPU)
  • user mode queues
  • flat memory addressing
  • atomic memory transactions & signals
  • process concurrency & preemption
  • device discovery

Heterogenous Compute Compiler

  • hcc compiler for supported APIs:

    • OpenMP (OpenMP4 accelerator offloading in development)
    • HIP & HC
    • OpenCL
  • LLVM native GCN ISA code generation
  • offline compilation support
  • standardized loader and code object format
  • GCN ISA assembler and disassembler




/* copy  */ c[:]    = a[:]
/* mul   */ b[:]    = scalar*b[:]
/* add   */ c[:]    = a[:] + b[:]
/* triad */ a[:]    = b[:] + scalar*c[:] 
/* dot   */ scalar  = dot(a[:],b[:])


  • benchmark of various programming paradigms:
    OpenMP3, OpenMP4, CUDA, Kokkos, Raja, OpenCL, ...
  • for now *nix only

Porting Code from CUDA


  • Convert CUDA to portable C++, hipify
  • C++ kernel language ( C++11/14/17 features )
  • C runtime API
  • same performance as native CUDA


  • supports most commonly used parts of CUDA:
    streams, events, memory (de-)allocation, profiling

  • produced apps have full tool support:
    • CUDA: nvcc, nvprof, nvvp
    • ROCM: hcc, rocm-prof, codexl

CUDA Example

__global__ void add_kernel(const T * a, 
                           const T * b, 
                           T * c){
  const int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
  c[i] = a[i] + b[i];}

void CUDAStream<T>::add(){
  add_kernel<<<array_size/TBSIZE, TBSIZE>>>(d_a, d_b, d_c);
  check_error();  //..

Hip`ified Example

__global__ void add_kernel(hipLaunchParm lp, 
                           const T * a, const T * b, 
                           T * c){
  const int i = hipBlockDim_x * hipBlockIdx_x + hipThreadIdx_x;
  c[i] = a[i] + b[i];

void HIPStream<T>::add(){
                  dim3(array_size/TBSIZE), dim3(TBSIZE), 0, 0, 
                  d_a, d_b, d_c);  check_error();  //...

HIP summary

  • very interesting tool to get started with production or legacy code

  • still low-level CUDA programming

  • HIP library eco-system available: hipBlas, hipFFT, hipRNG, machine learning acceleration, ...

Heterogenous Compute


  • C++ parallel runtime and API
  • based on C++AMP in hc namespace plus C++14
  • (asynchronous) copy commands for host-device i/o
  • explicit pointer-based memory allocation (am_alloc / am_free)
  • hc::accelerator_view, hc::array_view, hc::completion_future
  • device specific 'instrinsics' (wavefront shuffle, bit extraction, atomics)


Very similar to thrust, boost.compute, sycl.

HC API Overview

HC in GPU-STREAM, Declaration

#include "Stream.h"
#include "hc.hpp"

template <class T>
class HCStream : public Stream<T>
  unsigned int array_size;
  hc::array<T,1> d_a;
  hc::array<T,1> d_b;
  hc::array<T,1> d_c;

HC in GPU-STREAM, Init Data

template <class T>
void HCStream<T>::init_arrays(T _a, T _b, T _c)
    hc::array_view<T,1> view_a(this->d_a);
                                , [=](hc::index<1> i) [[hc]] {
                                  view_a[i] = _a;

HC in GPU-STREAM, Run Kernel

template <class T>
void HCStream<T>::add()
    hc::array_view<T,1> view_a(this->d_a);
    hc::array_view<T,1> view_b(this->d_b);
    hc::array_view<T,1> view_c(this->d_c);

                                , [=](hc::index<1> i) [[hc]] {
                                  view_c[i] = view_a[i]+view_b[i];

Let's compare the results

Comparing to HBM2 and GDDR5X

HC can be low-level too (WIP)

                      &partial](const hc::tiled_index<1>& tidx) [[hc]] {

    auto gidx =[0];
    T r = T{0}; // Assumes reduction op is addition.
    while (gidx < view_a.get_extent().size()) {
        r += view_a[gidx] * view_b[gidx]; //dot-product
        gidx += domain_sz;

    tile_static T tileData[TBSIZE];
    tileData[tidx.local[0]] = r;


    for (auto h = TBSIZE / 2; h; h /= 2) {
        if (tidx.local[0] < h) {
            tileData[tidx.local[0]] += tileData[tidx.local[0] + h];

    if ( == tidx.tile_origin) partial[tidx.tile] = tileData[0];

Concurrency constructs

  • asynchronous operations (memory copies, kernel launches) return completion future
std::vector<float> payload  (/*pick a number*/);
hc::array<float,1> d_payload(payload.size());
hc::completion_future when_done = hc::async_copy(payload.begin(),
when_done.then(call_kernel_functor); //continuation function!
  • for me hc::completion_future::then API not production ready yet:
template<typename functor >
void    then (const functor &func);//just a callback for now

Concurrency TS?

std::vector<hc::completion_future> streams(n);
for(hc::completion_future when_done : streams){

    when_done = hc::async_copy(payload_begin_itr,
    when_done.then(parallel_for_each(/*do magic*/))


concurrency constructs are the glue code of host-device interactions!

(see when_all, co_await and friends)


What I learned so far

  • AMD's ROCm/ROCr stack is a very young and ambitious project
  • full open-source driver, runtime and compiler for dGPU
  • hc API is expressive and reduces boiler-plate code (plans for C++17 on device)
  • tooling and documentation are not there yet for production (HPC) codes


Still an interesting approach to keep an eye on!

What I observe

  • CUDA/OpenCL as the community's working horse are low-level and enforce a lot of boiler plate
  • thrust, boost.compute, sycl, hc encapsulate this
    (sometimes at the expense of feature parity)
  • C++17 parallelism extensions and C++20 concurrency good for multi-core, why not for dGPUs?

My Hopes and Acks

Thank you for your attention!
(Thanks to and for their valuable feedback!)